Sutter Elementary PTA

Key Links


Garden Club

Wed., January 15 | 12-1 p.m.
Join us in Sutter's Froggy Hollow for a special gardening session to keep our outdoor space flourishing!  Wait by the Kindergarten gate for your session. Let's enjoy the lunch recess together!

View the flyer to learn more about Jan. 15 volunteering.  Optionally, see also Froggy Hollow general information.

Winter Read-in + Movie Night

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Bring your blankets and stuffies, and come enjoy storytime and a movie!  Sweet treats will be served.  Don't miss our raffles!

View the flyer.

Lego Robotics

Lego Robotics

Sutter PTA and CybeRavens FTC #26419 are excited to present our upcoming Sutter Lego Robotics Showcase, which will take place on Tuesday, February 25.  To help get your creativity flowing and have fun learning, please sign up for the following workshops, which will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room on the following Thursdays, from 6-7 pm:

If you would like to share your Lego creation and be part of the showcase, please submit your application to the office by Tuesday, January 7. Click here to download and print the application. Hard copies will be available in the Sutter front office and will be sent home in Wednesday envelopes. 

Starting Arts

After School Choir

Do you like to sing?  Join the Starting Arts, After School Choir! Celebrate music with your friends!


Monthly Calendar

