Froggy Hollow

Garden | Farmer's Market | Garden Club

Froggy Hollow is Sutter Elementary School's garden.  We are so fortunate to have an on-site garden where students can learn about the science of growing plants and how to maintain a garden.

Our Farmer's Market sale occurs toward the end of each school year, hosted by 5th graders.  We'll get to eat what our gardens have grown and purchase other items that 5th graders have created.

Garden Club volunteers needed!  Several times a year, we would appreciate help with basic weeding and garden clean-up. We also would appreciate volunteers that can assist students with garden tasks during their school lunch breaks.

Kids' hands shoveling in school garden.
Teacher showing pumpkin to students in school garden.
5th Grade Farmer's Market, bookmarks for sale.
5th Grade Farmer's Market, painted rocks for sale by kids.